Aldo Olcese Santonja
Orden del Mérito Civil. Chairman of the Fundación de Estudios Financieros (Foundation for Financial Studies).
Aldo Olcese Santonja holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Business from Madrid Complutense University. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, as well as Guest Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the University Of Navarre. Santonja is Chairman of Spanish Merchant Bank Fincorp Mediación and the Independent Director of the National Council for Corporate Social Responsibility. He is also an Honorary Life Trustee of the Spanish Financial Analysts Institute. In addition, he is Chairman in Spain of the Advisory Board of T-Systems and he serves on the Board of AC Hoteles. Santonja is the author of several books on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. In April 2007, he was awarded the Civil Merit Cross in recognition of his special contribution to Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility by H.R.M The King of Spain.