Gold Mercury Award Laureates
Visionary Leaders solving global challenges.
Explore our Gold Mercury Award® winners and their contributions to advance sustainable global governance and ethical leadership.
Gold Mercury Award 2025 Announcement.
His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama.
In the year he marks his 90th birthday, Gold Mercury International has awarded the Gold Mercury Award 2025 to His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, in recognition of his lifelong dedication to peace, non-violence, wisdom culture, and environmental stewardship.
Gold Mercury Award 2024 to Sergio Scapagnini and the ‘Street Children of the World’.
Two hundred million children around the world rely on the streets for survival. Humanitarian, movie producer, and child defender Sergio 'Kaka' Scapagnini dedicates his Gold Mercury Award to these angels wandering the streets of our world.
HUMANITARIAN AWARD MOTIVATION: To Sergio Scapagnini for raising awareness of the plight of the ‘street children’ of the world and providing them with the care, dignity, respect and education they deserve.
2024 | Gold Mercury Award for Humanitarian Affairs
Kerry Kennedy
Founder of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights and Chairman of “Speak Truth to Power” Programme.
Human rights defender ‘speaking truth to power’ around the world.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs
Ronald Reagan
40th President of the United States of America.
Negotiated with Soviet Leader Gorbachev a treaty to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace and Security
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
Efforts to defeat hunger and improve malnutrition worldwide.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Founder EL PAIS Newspaper.
Fighting for freedom of the press to advance democracies worldwide.
1998 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Juan Luis Cebrian
Founder Sony Corporation, Japan.
Advancing technological development in electronics.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Science and Technology.
Akio Morita
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research of the World Bank.
For the protection of global food supply and development of agricultural research.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Resources.
Chairwoman Xerox Corporation.
Development of innovative technologies.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award Global Science & Technology.
Anne Mulcahi - Xerox
Novelist, poet, Senator and Nobel Prize Winner.
Contribution to world literature and defending freedom of speech during Franco’s dictatorship in Spain.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Camilo Jose Cela
Founder Queen Sofia Foundation.
For her charity work towards children and the Queen Sofia Foundation.
1984 | Gold Mercury Award for Culture and Humanitarian Affairs.
H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain
Bavarian State Minister for Economy and Transport.
Economic development of Bavaria, Germany.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award Economic & Social Policy.
Anton Jaumann
Gerald Ford
38th President of the United States.
For negotiations with the Soviet Union for the SALT II accords to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the USSR.
1976 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security
Alvaro Uribe Velez
31st President of Colombia.
For advancing the peace and security of Colombia.
2009 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace and Security
Zhao Ziyang
31st President of the people’s Republic of China.
For the implementation of groundbreaking economic reforms in China and peaceful foreign policy objectives.
1984 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace and Security
Founder of Honda Motor Company.
For the economic development of Japanese industry and manufacturing innovation.
1971 | Gold Mercury Award Global Economic & Social Policy.
Soichiro Honda
President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), Lima, Peru.
For his work towards economic development and property rights for the poor.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award Economic & Social Policy.
Hernando De Soto
President Televisa, Mexico.
Advancing free media and broadcasting in Mexico.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Emilio Azcarraga Milmo
King of the Belgians.
For restoring confidence in the Monarchy by acting as a unifying force for the country and its people.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
H.M. King Baudouin I
Dr. Robert Gallo
Director of the Institute for Human Virology.
Co-discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS and pioneering the HIV blood test saving millions of lives.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Health
INSTRAW, the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
A specialised agency of the United Nations dedicated to advancing research on women’s rights and promoting gender equality worldwide.
For advancing the awareness of women’s rights and fostering gender-sensitive research to promote the empowerment and equality of women.
1985 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture
Primer Minister of Bulgaria (1962-1971).
For his policies of sociopolitical liberalisation in Bulgaria and increasing the freedom of the press.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Todor Zhivkov
Minister of Petroleum Affairs of Saudi Arabia and OPEC.
For the development of the global oil industry and economic development.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award Social & Economic Policy.
H.E. Ahmed Zaki Yamani
Imam of Nizari Ismaelism.
For the cultural preservation of historic landmarks and promotion
of interfaith dialogue and peace.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
H.H. Prince Karim Agha Khan
Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China.
For normalising relations with the United States and the restoration of China’s seat at the U.N Security Council in 1971.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Huang Hua
International Humanitarian Movement.
For providing aid, medical and disaster assistance to billions of people in need across the globe.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
International Red Cross
Venezuelan Physician and Scientist.
For the discovery of the vaccine for Leprosy saving millions of people worldwide.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Health.
Jacinto Convit
President of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.
For his role as mediator in regional conflicts and promoting peace and cooperation.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Marshall Josip Broz Tito
President FIAT Auto.
For the economic development of Italian industry and society.
1963 | Gold Mercury Award Social & Economic Policy.
Gianni Agnelli
Anwar Sadat
3rd President of Egypt.
For seeking peace in the Middle East and the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
24th President of Liberia (2006-2018).
For her efforts in stabilisation, reconstruction and reconciliation in Liberia following years of civil war.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Peace & Security
President of the French Republic.
For his role in international diplomacy and peace initiatives including relations with the Soviet Union and European Economic Integration.
1972 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
George Pompidou
Portuguese Scientist for Materials Science.
Development of transparent electronics and paper electronics.
2011 | Gold Mercury Award for Science & Technology.
Elvira Fortunato
Chairman & CEO of Volvo
Development of the Swedish economy and industry.
1970 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Resources.
Gunnar Engelau
President of the European Commission.
Advancing European integration and the expansion of the European Community to include the UK, Denmark and Ireland.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award Social & Economic Policy.
Jean Rey
Leonid Brezhnev
General Secretary of the Communist party of the USSR.
For the strategic arms limitation Treaty (SALT) I and II with the United States to limit the use of nuclear weapons.
1980 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Peace & Security
Fifth Secretary General of the United Nations
For his role in addressing several international crises and conflicts in Central America, the Middle East and South Africa.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Javier Perez de Cuellar
Fifth President of Italy.
Shaping Italian democracy and foreign policy for cooperation in Europe and the Mediterranean.
1970 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Giuseppe Saragat
Weekly global magazine founded in 1923.
Global dissemination of critical information about major topics.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Time Magazine
United Nations Children Fund.
For its role to protect millions of children around the world and provide nutrition, immunisation and education.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
H.M. King Juan Carlos I
Head of State of Spain.
For defending and protecting the Spanish transition to democracy following years of dictatorship.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security
British Newspaper
For its unwavering commitment to objective and impartial journalism.
1972 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
The Times
Bio-climate Architecture for Sustainability. Urban Resilience Expert.
For her role in advancing sustainable construction and architecture practices.
2011 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
Livia Tirone
Film Director and Academy Award Nominee.
Creation of films with great social relevance, artistic merit an enduring impact on Spanish an global culture.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Luis Garcia Berlanga
Founder of PUMA.
For his contribution to the development of the sportswear industry worldwide.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award Global Culture.
Rudolf Dassler
H.H. Shaikh Khalifa
bin Salman Al Khalifa
First Primer Minister of Bahrain.
For his diplomatic endevours to maintain peaceful stability in the Middle East.
1978 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Medical Facility & NGO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
For its research, treatment and rehabilitation of patients as well as medical training of professionals who treat leprosy.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Health.
All Africa Leprosy & Rehabilitation Centre (ALERT)
President of Venezuela (1979-1984).
For his development of cultural development programmes and educational reforms.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Luis Herrera Campins
Ethiopian music writer, composer, player.
For his contribution to culture and opening Ethiopian music to the world.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Merawi Sitot
Environmental NGO, UK.
For its contribution to the dissemination of vital information for the protection and defense of the environment.
2006 | Gold Mercury Award Global Environment.
Television Trust for the Environment
President Federal Republic of Germany (1969-1974)
For his role in shaping post-war West Germany and having a key role in reconstruction.
1971 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Gustav Heinemann
Classical Music Conductor, Pianist, Mexico.
For his role as conductor of the famous world orchestras and promoting music education for the young.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Enrique Batiz
President International Red Cross & Red Crescent (1981-1987).
For his leadership in growing the influence of the International Red Cross around the world.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for International Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Enrique de la Mata Gorostizaga
Spanish Artist.
For his contribution to social issues using his art form to fight oppression and violence.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award Global Culture.
Antonio Saura
Rafael Termes
Spanish economist and banker.
For his contribution to the areas of economics and finance in Spain.
2004 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Spanish Cartoonist, Humorist,Writer and Journalist.
For his role in tackling political, social and cultural issues in Spanish society.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Antonio Mingote
Chairman Halliburton and Founder Clean Gulf Consortium.
For his contribution to the development of the energy industry and careful stewardship of the offshore environment.
1974 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Edwin Lee Paramore
Secretary of the Treasury, Mexico and Former President of the Inter-American Development Bank.
For his leadership in developing the Mexican economy and representing Mexico on the global stage.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Antonio Ortiz Mena
Fifth Prime Minister of Jamaica (1980-1989).
One of the founding fathers in the framing of the Jamaican constitution.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Edward Philip George Seaga
Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
For its role to stabilise oil prices and energy markets by coordinating production levels among its members and avoid extreme price fluctuations.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Resources
Chairman Neste
For his role in economic development and founding of the Finnish oil industry.
1976 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Uolevi Rade
European Food Group.
For research and development in the food industry.
1975 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Resources.
Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister, Ethiopia.
For his leadership in developing the Ethiopian economy.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Wolle Chekol
President of Finland (1956-1982).
For foreign policy initiatives including the Nordic nuclear free zone and a strategy of neutrality during the Cold War.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Urho Kekkonen
Don Jose Ignacio Domecq
Spanish winemaker.
For his contribution to the development of the global wine industry.
1970 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Patron of the Arts
For her role in the development of music and the arts including the foundation of the Reina Sofia School of Music in Spain.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Marchioness Paloma O’shea
Danish Prime Minister (1973-1975) and UN High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR (1978-1985).
For his contribution to the safety of refugees worldwide.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Poul Hartling
German Foundation.
For the promotion of democracy, social market economy, of peace, freedom, transatlantic relations and European unification.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
French Newspaper.
For exemplary journalism and its coverage of French and global affairs.
1971 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Le Monde
Turkish Industrial Holding Company
For economic and social development in Turkey.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Policy.
Sabanci Holding
Mexican Media Entrepreneur.
For his creation of Televisa and contribution to Mexican Media.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Rómulo O'Farrill
Pakistani artist, painter, calligrapher, poet and social commentator.
For inspiring generations with profound creativity, evoking a kaleidoscope of evocative symbols
and timeless narratives.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Sadequain Naqqash
Venezuelan Athlete and painter and Founder of the National Swimming and Cycling Federations.
For the promotion of sport and culture in Venezuelan society.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Teo Capriles Brandy
Weekly Global Magazine
For its international coverage of news and intelligence around the world.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
The Economist
President Camus Cognac.
For his contribution to the development of Cognac culture
in the world.
1975 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic
and Social Policy.
Michel Camus
Nicaraguan Archbishop and Cardinal.
For his work in Presiding the Peace and Reconciliation Commission in Nicaragua.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Miguel Obando y Bravo
Venezuelan Artist and Painter.
For the development of modern art in Venezuela.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Manuel Cabré
Spanish Foreign Minister and Secretary General of the Council of Europe (1984-1989) and European Commissioner.
For his contribution to the development of the European Union.
1987 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Marcelino Oreja Aguirre
Perfumer, Founder and President Lancome.
For his contribution to the development of the perfume industry.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic
and Social Policy.
Armand Petitjean
Intellectual, novelist, historian and Minister of Education of Venezuela.
For his literary work, including ‘Las Lanzas Coloradas’, as a powerful feature of Latin American Culture .
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Arturo Uslar Pietri
Founder Axel Springer Media Company.
For the development of media in West Germany.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Axel Springer
Furniture Company.
For its contribution to protect trees by making the wood supply chain more sustainable.
2011 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
Turkish National Newspaper.
For contributing to the development of media in Turkish society.
1983 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Prince of the Netherlands and First President of WWF.
For helping to create the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) to protect global ecosystems.
1974 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
H.R.H Prince Bernhard
Soviet-Russian Newspaper.
Soviet media institution communicating a reliable position of the Soviet government’s policy.
1980 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Founded by Germany's first democratically elected President Friedrich Ebert.
For its contribution to promoting democracy and political education.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Centre for Research and Agro-production, Venezuela.
For contributing to the development of agricultural research and education in Venezuela.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
Fundacion CIEPE
President of Ecuador (1948-1952) and Secretary General of the Organisation of American States.
For his commitment to the principles of democracy and endorsing guarantees for freedom of the press.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Galo Plaza Lasso
German News Magazine.
For its excellent reporting of national and international news and its editorial integrity.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Der Spiegel
Government Company for reforestation, Venezuela.
For its contribution to protecting and planting forests, the recovery of degraded forest areas and environmental education.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Resources.
Compañia Nacional de Reforestación (CONARE)
Largest Dutch Daily Newspaper.
For its role in national coverage of news and public opinion building in the Netherlands.
1974 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
De Telegraaf
30th President of Colombia (1966-1970).
For his role in modernising Colombia, executing the agrarian reform and increasing economic output.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Carlos Alberto Lleras Restrepo
Refuge and School for Blind Girls, Venezuela.
For its role in the education and rehabilitation of blind girls and boys into society.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Casa Hogar Niñas Ciegas
Italian National Newspaper.
For its contribution to building a pluralistic society in Italy.
1970 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Corriere della Sera
Latin American Integration Association
For its role in developing economic regional cooperation and agreements among Latin American nations.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic & Social Development.
Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI)
Venezuelan forestry and agriculture engineer and expert.
For his role in developing the Uverito Forest in Venezuela, the largest man-made forest in the world.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
José Joaquín Cabrera Malo
President of Mexico (1976-1972).
For promoting political openness and political reforms allowing greater representation of opposition parties in politics.
1978 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Jose Lopez Portillo
President of Costa Rica (Three terms).
For implementing major reforms including the abolition of the military, drafting a new constitution, environmental conservation and social advancement.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Peace & Security.
Jose Figueras Ferrer
One of the fathers of the Spanish Constitution
For his role in developing the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and defending democratic principles.
1984 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Gregorio Peces Barba
Ethiopian National Newspaper.
For its role in providing cultural activities to the children of Ethiopia.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Addis Zemen
Largest Egyptian Daily Newspaper.
For its coverage of Egyptian news in Egypt and abroad.
1973 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Al Ahram
First Dancer of Venezuela and Coreographer.
For her contribution to the world of classic and modern dance.
1981 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Yolanda Moreno
Ethiopian Footballer, President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF).
For his role in developing an official sports federation and his service as President of CAF.
1983 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Yidnekatchew Tessema
Pakistan Broadcaster.
For its role in providing media services to the people of Pakistan.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Pakistan Television Corporation
Founder Snaidero.
For his contribution to the development of Italian industry.
1977 | Gold Mercury Award for Economic and Social Development.
Rino Snaidero
Kenyan Entomologist and Environmentalist.
For his contribution to founding the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology.
1982 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Environment.
Thomas R. Odhiambo
Mauritian lawyer and judge. member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
For playing a leading role in International Human Rights cases in Myanmar, Chile and genocide in Cambodia.
1985 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Rajsoomer Lallah
President of the Senate (1982-1989), Spain.
For his role in fighting fascist oppression and advancing and defending democracy in Spain.
1986 | Gold Mercury Award for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Affairs.
Jose Federico Carvajal
News magazine, France.
For its contribution to a democratic French society.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for Global Culture.
Spanish Senator and President of the Galicia Region of Spain.
For advancing the democratic transition to democracy in Spain as one of the fathers of its constitution.
1979 | Gold Mercury Award for the Rule of Law and Democratic Transition.