Gold Mercury brings together leaders and visionaries from around the world who support our vision of advancing Global Governance and Sustainability through visionary and ethical leadership.
The International Advisory Board is Gold Mercury International’s advisory & governance body. It offers a long-term view and strategic direction on a broad range of issues, editorial strategy, activities, and policies.
MEC = Member Executive Committee
Nicolas De Santis Cuadra | MEC
President & Secretary General of Gold Mercury International. Founder DESANTIS.
Dr. Robert Gallo
Co-discoverer of the HIV virus and Founder and Director of the Institute of Human Virology.
R. Todd Ruppert
Founder & CEO of Ruppert International and former President & CEO at T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services.
Enrique Baron Crespo | MEC
Spanish Minister and Former President of the European Parliament.
Prof. Peter Lee
Professor Applied Ethics and Associate Dean for Research Portsmouth University. Peace, Conflict & Security Research Group.
Miguel Herrero Rodriguez de Miñón
Spanish jurist. Member of the Spanish State Council and one of the fathers of the Spanish Constitution.
Alfonso Martinez de Irujo
Duke of Aliaga and President of Executive Education at the Instituto de Empresa Business School in Spain.
Roger Zetter
Emeritus Professor of Refugee Studies and a former Director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University.
Benita Ferrero Waldner
Former EU Commissioner for Trade and European Neighborhood Policy and for External Relations in the EU.
Enrique Iglesias Garcia
Economist and Former President of the Inter-American Development Bank.
Javier Cremades
President World Law Foundation and World Jurist Association. Founder, Cremades & Calvo Sotelo
Isabel Tocino
Former President of Siebel Spain and Former Spanish Minister of the Environment.
Dr Craig Willcox
Medical anthropologist and Professor of Public Health and Gerontology at Okinawa International University.
Noemi Sanin Posadas
Former Colombian Ambassador and Former Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
“I am honoured that you mention and reward my efforts to promote peace with freedom, a goal toward which the people of the United States strive. Gold Mercury is correct in saying that only through international cooperation can peace with freedom become a reality.”
Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States of America
Our past Advisory Board Members include some of the most important people in government, business, academia and society.
Enrique Ruiz Garcia
Professor of Political and Social Sciences at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM).
Abdelhafid Kadiri
Moroccan Secretary of State for Agriculture and Minister of Youth and Sport.
Francisco Luzon Lopez
Spanish banker and economist. Founder of Francisco Luzón Foundation for ALS research.
H.R.H Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan
Founder of the International Cultures Foundation.
Michel Doo Kingue
UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR (1983-1992).
Prof. Ampah Johnson
Rector and Chancellor of the Universities of Togo. Founder Africa Club.
Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho
Founder World Friendship Crusade, leading to World Friendship Day.
Dr. Mohamed Sahby Basly
Former Tunisian Ambassador to India, Spain and the People’s Republic of China.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Former Director-General of UNESCO and Founder and President of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace.
Aldo Olcese Santonja
Spanish Orderof Civil Merit. Chairman of the Fundación de Estudios Financieros (Foundation for Financial Studies).